Shipping and Delivery
How do I track my parcel?
Once your order is shipped from our warehouse, you will receive a confirmation email, which includes a tracking number and a tracking link.
You can also track your package on your account. You log in with the email used on your order.
Which countries do you ship to?
We ship pretty much worldwide.
Once you go to the checkout on our website, you will find our list of countries we ship to.
If you country is not on the list, feel free to contact us for a custom quote.
My parcel was damaged during transport, what do I do?
If you discover that your package was damaged during transport, please ask the shipping agent/office to make a note of it, when you sign/accept the delivery.
Please take a photo of the parcel before opening it, and check your products. If any products where damages, please contact our customer support thru our online form here
How to exchange a product?
if you wish to exchange a product, please use our return portal and sent back the product. Once we receive back the returned product, we will credit your order and sent the money back to you.
For a new product please place a new order on our website.
Do you offer free shipping?
We offer free shipping on all EU orders above 80,- EURO.
What's is your address?
Gl Kongevej 26
7442 Engesvang
Contact customer service
If you have further questions regarding returns please sent us an email