Learn about dreadlocks

Here you will find information about dreadlocks, how they are made, maintained, as well as guidance on using natural dreadlock products.

You are also always welcome to contact us via the contact form if you have other questions regarding dreadlocks and products.

Follow us on Facebook and instagram page @RawRoots_DreadCare where you get more tips and tricks for your dreadlocks.

You are always welcome to tag #rawrootsdreadcare and we will be happy to share your experiences and tips.

Dreadlock FAQResidue-Free Shampoo: Hvad det betyder, og hvorfor det er vigtigt for dreadlocks

Residue-Free Shampoo: What It Means and Why It Matters for Dreadlocks

What Does "Residue-Free" Mean? When a shampoo is labeled as "residue-free," it means that it does not contain ingredients that leave behind buildup in the hair. Many conventional shampoos and sham...

Dreadlock FAQDreadlocks historie og kultur

What are dreadlocks

Dreadlocks: A Journey Through the History and Culture of Dreadlocks Dreadlocks, known for their distinctive dense and braided appearance, have a fascinating history that spans many cu...

Dreadlock FAQHvad er Partial Dreadlocks

What is Partial Dreadlocks

Let's explore what partial dreadlocks are all about and how you can rock this unique combination of loose hair and dreadlocks.   What are Partial Dreadlocks? Partial dreadlocks ...

Dreadlock FAQPrepare for Dreadlocks Guide

Preparation for Dreadlocks (How to start dreads)

Dreaming of getting dreadlocks? It's an exciting journey that requires both patience and trust in the process. Before taking the plunge, there are some important preparations and information you s...

Dreadlock FAQHvordan laver man Dreadlocks! Her er din guide.

How to make Dreadlocks

Considering entering the realm of dreadlocks? Read on to discover our best advice and products for creating beautiful dreadlocks – and remember, you can always book an appointment with us for profe...

Dreadlock FAQDe 4 dreadlock faser - Rejsen fra nye til modne dreads

The 4 stages - From new to mature dreadlocks

When you embark on the adventure of having dreadlocks, it is both a journey and a process. Dreadlocks develop through four phases, from loose locks to structured, mature dreadlocks. ...

Dreadlock FAQSådan opstrammer man spidserne: En Trin-for-Trin Guide

How to tighten the tips

 If you desire rounded ends on your dreads, regular trimming of the tips is essential to maintain a well-groomed appearance. Here's our guide for you.   Step 1: Toupee and Push Up Tools...

Dreadlock FAQHvordan vedligeholder man dreadlocks?

How to maintain dreadlocks?

The amount of maintenance depends on where in the process you and your dreadlocks are, read more about this in "The 4 phases". Like everything else in life, your dreadlocks initially need some care...

Dreadlock FAQHvordan Detoxer man Dreadlocks?

Dreadlock Detox and Aftercare

Deep Cleanse Your Dreadlocks for a Healthier Scalp and Hair Are you looking to give your dreadlocks a thorough detox and rejuvenate your scalp? Our dreadlocks detox is specially formulated to remov...

Dreadlock FAQHvordan vasker man dreadlocks?

How to wash dreads

RAW ROOT's Ultimate Guide to Washing Dreadlocks and Choosing the Perfect Shampoo Having dreadlocks isn't just a hairstyle, it's a lifestyle. And like any lifestyle, it requires dedication and care...

Dreadlock FAQBedste Dread shampoo? - Hvilken shampoo passer bedst til dine dreadlocks?

Choose the right shampoo

Dreadlock Care 101: A Complete Guide to Shampooing and Washing Often the first challenge is the basic question: How do I wash my dreads and which shampoo should I use? Follow our guide that explore...

Dreadlock FAQKan man Svømme med Dreadlocks?

How to swim with dreadlocks? In Chlorine and salt water

Will swimming with them ruin my dreadlocks? And can I swim with my new dreadlocks? You can easily swim with your new dreadlocks. If your dreads are still very new, they may fall apart a bit, es...

Dreadlock FAQHvordan bruger man hæklenål til dreadlocks

How to use a crochet hook for dreadlocks

So what does it mean to crochet dreadlocks? People have started to use small crochet hooks to work with dreadlocks. The techniques used are called "crocheting dreadlocks". As you might imagine, the...

Dreadlock FAQHvordan får man lus ud af dreads! Guide til Lus i Dreadlocks

How to remove lice in dreadlocks?

I have lice in my dreadlocks, should I cut them off? No, you don't need that at all! If you are unlucky and have lice in your dreadlocks, do not despair and cut them off. There are some methods t...

Dreadlock FAQHvordan fjerner man Dreadlocks? Uden at klippe håret af!

How to Remove Dreadlocks (Without Cutting!)

Guide to Removing Dreadlocks: Step-by-Step  Removing dreadlocks takes time, patience and the right tools. Here we present a guide based on RAW ROOT's Dreadlock Removal Kit. Follow these steps ...