Learn about dreadlocks

Here you will find information about dreadlocks, how they are made, maintained, as well as guidance on using natural dreadlock products.

You are also always welcome to contact us via the contact form if you have other questions regarding dreadlocks and products.

Follow us on Facebook and instagram page @RawRoots_DreadCare where you get more tips and tricks for your dreadlocks.

You are always welcome to tag #rawrootsdreadcare and we will be happy to share your experiences and tips.

Product GuideVi anbefaler 3 produkter til tør hovedbund og dreads

3 good products for dry scalp and dreads

As the seasons change, both hair and scalp undergo various transformations. The dry, cold air significantly contributes to a drying effect. Additionally, individual experiences vary, with many of ...

Product GuideHvad er moden hud?

What is mature skin?

The classic indicators of aging in the skin include wrinkles, altered pigmentation, and diminished skin firmness. This is commonly referred to as mature skin. While skin aging is somewhat inevita...

Product GuideHvorfor holder vi Green Friday hos RAW ROOTs

Why do we celebrate Green Friday at RAWROOTs?

Green Friday: Let’s Support Each Other for a Green Future As Black Friday approaches, consumers' attention turns to big discounts and countless offers. But at RAWROOTs, we choose to go a different...

Dreadlock FAQSådan Slipper Du af med Svamp og Dårlig Lugt i Dine Dreadlocks

How to Get Rid of Mold and Bad Odor in Your Dreadlocks

Dreadlocks are beautiful and unique, but they can also be prone to mold and bad odor, especially if not properly cared for. If you've already experienced this problem, don't worry! Here's a gui...